Chess Academy offers you an easy way to print your self-created tutorial examples, games, or keys. You can set the following printing options.

After pressing the Print menu command, the Print dialog box appears, where you can set various options for printing, such as the page numbers on the printed pages, the number of copies, the selected printer, and other printing options.

Printing from the program supports both Chess Academy and Chess Informator symbols. Furthermore, different chess notations, such as those with figurine notation and in different languages, are printed correctly. For example, you can assign the abbreviations for individual pieces yourself (in German usually K D T L S [B]). You can also use the international figurine chess symbols, which are also correctly reproduced by practically all printers.

If you only want to print a single game, you have to load it first. Now you can replay the game on the board and start printing from any move by pressing the icon or selecting the Print command from the File menu. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P.

Chess Academy will print the current game. All information about the game, including variations, comments, and informator symbols, will be printed. The position that is in the active window is printed as a diagram. Exception: If the home position is in the current window, it will not be printed as a diagram. You also have the option of marking any moves for the diagram printout (in the Edit menu, select the command Mark current move – Print diagram). These diagrams will then also be printed.

Please note: Comments and comment symbols are printed after the corresponding moves.

If you want to print several games, you must first select them from the list (see Selecting games) and then choose the Print command from the File menu or click with the mouse on the icon. Alternatively, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P here.

After connecting games to a variant tree, you can easily print out an opening repertoire. All games of the data set in which the current variation occurs are printed in tree form.

Select the Print command from the File menu. Instead, you can click with the mouse or press the Print button in the tree view window. Alternatively, you can of course use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P again.

Chess Academy offers you the possibility to print the current opening key (print the selected opening key) or the critical opening positions. After selecting the keys you want to print, you can create a temporary key list and print it by selecting the Print command from the File menu or clicking on the icon.

You can print single or multiple learning examples by selecting any examples in the selection window and using the Print command from the File menu or clicking on the icon. The starting position and all moves, including variants, text, and comment symbols will be printed. Alternatively, you can again use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P.

Please note: Comments and comment symbols are printed after the corresponding moves.