You can arrange any list of examples according to different criteria. To do this, select the Sort command from the List menu. The following options will appear on the right:

  • Unsorted: If you want to see the examples of the current list in the order of their index numbers. Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+1

unsorted list of

  • by Player for White: Sorts the sample list alphabetically by white players. Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+2

sorting by white tutorial

  • by Player for Black: Sorts the sample list alphabetically by black players. Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+3

sorting by black tutorial

  • by Source: Sorts the sample list alphabetically by origin. Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+4

list tutor4

  • by Year: Sorts the sample list alphabetically by the year in which the games were played. Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+6

list tutor5

Please note: You can also sort the current sample list by clicking the column headers in the sample list or by pressing the right mouse button in the Sort by… pop-up menu. For the latter, proceed in the same way as above.

Both sorted and unsorted example lists are displayed in ascending alphabetical order by default. You can switch to a descending alphabetical sort order by using the corresponding command from the List > Sort  Examples menu. Alternatively, right-click the column header above the column you want to sort.

To search for game data of tutorial examples, select by Header in Tutor… from the Search menu or click the icon image337.

button keyboard Alternatively: press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F3

header search pattern tutorial

In the “Search by header” dialog box there are a whole series of fields and buttons using which you can limit the search for examples. If you do not make any entries in one or more fields, the Chess Academy ignores these criteria during the search. So only the criteria for which you make settings are taken into account.


Buttons in the “Search by header” window

The following buttons and input fields are available in this window:

  • White – Clicking the mouse on this button displays a list of all White players in the selected tutorial module.
  • Black – Clicking this button displays the same list of all Black players.
  • Source – A click with the mouse on this button displays a list of all locations in the selected tutorial module.
  • Year – A click with the mouse on this button displays a list of all years in which games of the selected teaching module were played.

If you want to select one of the names or a year, move the mouse pointer to the entry in the list and click on it once. If you want to search for several entries at once (for example, several years), hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking the mouse! This will include all selected entries in the list in the search. On the right side, you will find a drop-down list for each button. You can open each one and view the selections made.

In any case, the icon Image337b will delete all markers for the activated field.

It is not necessary to enter a full name. For example, if you click on the White button and then enter KASPAR in the Enter field, the following White players will be found (if available in the tutorial module): Kaspar, Kasparian, Kasparov, Kaspariants, and others.

The other buttons in the “Search by header” window have the following meanings:

  • Unmark removes all marks in the currently opened list
  • Clear all removes all made entries from all fields
  • Change colors swaps white and black players Search confirms the settings made and starts the search
  • Cancel closes the search mask and returns to the previous window
  • Help calls this context-sensitive help file


Other search options:

  • Ignore colors – If you check this box, the search function will find all games of a player, regardless of whether he led the white or the black pieces. If you have not yet made an entry for white or black, checking this box has no function.

You can search for any header data, material, positions, or maneuvers contained in a tutorial example or in a chess database.

Choose in Database > Header from the Search menu to search for the white and black player in an active database or data set (even in multiple databases).

chessacademy keyboard Alternatively, press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+F3.

search by header in database tutorial menu

Please note: Since it is possible that the spellings of the names differ from those stored in the database, it may often be necessary for you to manually specify the search pattern.


Select In Database > Material from the  menu, or click the toolbar icon icon by material  to search for identical material constellations in a database or data set (even in multiple databases).

chessacademy keyboard Alternatively, press the key combination Alt+F3

search in database by material tutorial


Select in Database > Position from the Search menu, or click the toolbar icon icon by position to search for an identical position in a database or data set (even in several databases).

chessacademy keyboard Alternatively, press the key combination F3

search in database by position tutorial

Select In Database > Maneuver from the Search menu, or click the toolbar icon image118 to search for maneuvers in a database or data set (even multiple databases).

chessacademy keyboard Alternatively, press the key combination Shift+F3

search in database by route tutorial


Select in Database > by Shape… from the Search menu, or click the toolbar icon icon by shape to search for analog positions in a database or data set (even multiple databases).

chessacademy keyboard Alternatively, press the key combination Alt+Shift+F3

search in database by shape tutorial

Please note: The above buttons are inactive if no part list was loaded before the current tutorial example was called. Therefore, you must first finish playing through this example to activate the Search buttons. However, this only applies if you call a database while working through a learning example.


loaded game list

Note: The mentioned buttons are disabled if no one game’s list was loaded before activating of the current tutorial example. You may need to replay the current example to enable search buttons if you have loaded a Database while working with the example. Notice also that no search is possible while solving the tutorial position.