chessacademy7 exklusivpaket screenshot1

Chess Academy 7 Office Deluxe Exclusive package runs on a standard PC with the operating system Windows® 10 / 11 and Windows® Vista 32bit/XP/2000/NT4/9x/Me.

Chess Academy 7 Office Deluxe Exclusive package includes powerful professional Chess Academy Database System (ver. 7); huge Chess Academy Pro database (2.100.000+ games); an improved Chess Academy Tutorial & Training Program (ver. 7); strong Chess Academy Playing Program (ver. 7) with built-in Engines; huge Opening Books ChampionBook (with more than 10 million positions) & GambitBook (with more than 2,2 million positions) and an extended Middlegame Book (with more than 14 million positions) especially designed for Chess Academy engine. Chess Academy supports more than 55 external chess engines (several with opening libraries) – as an all-in-one program package at an attractive price.

The exclusive package offers much more compared to the starter package or professional package and is therefore the complete Chess Academy 7.0 program with more than 25,000 learning and training examples fully commented and classified by top players and highly qualified trainers. In comparison to the starter package, the exclusive package not only offers the 10 endgame modules mentioned above, but also all 11 tutorial and training modules from the professional package. The price difference between the professional and exclusive packages is approximately USD 100. The exclusive package also offers all 10 modules of the “Encyclopedia of Chess Endgames” series. The chess endgame perfect!

For this reason, many testers as well as numerous customers and chess experts rated the program as very comprehensive! 

The most instructive games of top-class chess players are used to teach the basics of chess strategy and tactics. Skill perfection for advanced players: combinatorial ability, calculation of variations, positional assessment, advantage-gaining and realization are all instilled and improved.

The program provides a variety of very useful exploratory hint tools available to use at any time that you choose. The program monitors your actions and allows convenient navigation through chess windows, games lists, etc. Chess Academy gives you also the opportunity to use your preferred method for operating the graphic interface: with a mouse or with a keyboard. You can also set up the on-screen colors, chessboard’s size, program language, chess pieces set and so on.

Clear program interface, easy to handle. Chess Academy offers excellent 2D and 3D boards and pieces sets, size of board as well as colors can be easily changed, piece animation, special chess symbols, special windows for analyzing purposes and displaying of variants, ToolBars icons and their groups can be easily handled and much more – enjoy at the same time by using Chess Academy® program!

chessacademy7 exklusivpaket gross

Chess Academy provides a complete interactive system for enjoying, playing and studying chess! Chess Academy enables any chess player to rapidly improve his chess skills in an efficient and effective manner. Chess Academy users learn chess and organize their training lessons through active participation and discovery with carefully selected and fully annotated Tutorial & Training Examples, authored by top-class players and experienced coaches.

  • CD-ROM. Packaging: DVD box, installation instructions in German and English, customer card.
  • Chess Academy 7.0 Office Deluxe database program, tutorial and training program, playing program and chess engines (full version)
  • Chess Academy professional database (2.100.000+ games of the highest quality)
  • 2 tutorial and training modules “Strategy and Combinations”, which contain 350 carefully selected and deeply annotated examples from such topics as: Attack on the King, Counter-Attack, Exchange Sacrifice, Queen Sacrifice, Pawn Sacrifice, Isolated Pawn, Hanging Pawns, Rook vs Minor Pieces, Domination, Defence, Blockade, The Bishop Pair, Central Strategy, Endgame Strategy, Advantage in Space, Combinations in Middlegame, etc.
  • 6 deeply annotated and classified Modules from “Middlegame Strategy” Series: Exchange Sacrifice, Isolated Pawn, Hanging Pawns, Compensation for the Queen, The Bishop Pair, Rook vs Minor Pieces
  • Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations (2 tutorial and training modules) with a quiz option (to find the best solution in a critical position)
  • Encyclopedia of Chess Studies (3 tutorial and training modules), a total of 10,190 carefully selected and commented chess studies with a quiz option (to find the best solution in a critical position)
  • Encyclopedia of Chess Endings (10 tutorial and training modules, including Rook Endings, Minor Piece Endings, Queen Endings, Pawn Endings, Rook versus Minor Piece Endings). A total of 10,479 carefully selected and commented endings with a quiz option (to find the best solution in a critical position)

    The essential reference work for any chessplayer – for beginners, instructors, tournament players and higher. It is a great gift for all those who wish to penetrate into the secrets of a field of chess where its principles appear in their purest form. Although without equal in scope, this computer released project is easily accessible to the user because its original Endgame Classification evolves gradually and logically. Its contents consist of examples (total more than 10.000 annotated endings!) those generally known, those forgotten-neglected and those which constantly are provided by practise.

    All examples show the principles and rules which by bigger practice become stronger and clearer. By analysing a selection of classic and modern games, the authors of annotations (such as world champions Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov, Boris Spassky, Robert Fischer, Tigran Petrosian, Mikhail Botvinnik and well-known top grandmasters Yury Averbakh, Viktor Korchnoi, Robert Huebner, Vlastimil Hort, Antony Miles, Andras Adorjan, John Nunn, computer programs BELLE by Ken Thompson, KDKT by Hans Zellner and many others) explain how to play the typical and original endings, arising from different middlegame positions.

  • Chess Academy opening books “ChampionBook” with more than 10 million positions and GambitBook with approx. 2.2 million positions, Chess Academy MiddlegameBook with approx. 14 million positions
  • Free add-ons: more than 55 chess engines including Crafty, LGoliath 3, Yace, SOS, Comet, The Crazy Bishop and others, WinBoard 4.10
  • UCI support, WinBoard and MCS support, autoplayer support, tablebases support
  • plays and analyzes games or game fragments from the chess database
  • plays and analyzes tutorial and training examples, studies, test positions
  • creates, edits and merges opening books for Chess Academy chess engine
  • plays videos (supports AVI, WAV files)
  • opens up to 24 games at the same time, edits game header, extended game information
  • provides player and opening statistics in the chess database with all available information
  • shows variants, key squares, important motifs and plans for any position
  • saves games in the chess database with all variants, text and video/audio comments
  • saves variants of the included analysis engine in the game (auto analysis mode)
  • supports more than 75 game programs (chess engines), support of autoplayer, Nalimov tablebases and Thompson’s endgame databases
  • quickly searches for game header, material, exact position, position outlines and maneuvers
  • quickly sorts all games in the chess database by players, source, time period, ECO, moves
  • allows you to create your own opening key positions and middlegame keys in the chess database
  • merges up to 16 chess databases simultaneously
  • creates and manages huge chess databases with up to 16 million games
  • creates datasets of up to 1,048,480 games from the database according to any selected criteria
  • chess data sets can be merged, intersected, subtracted, or saved as a new database
  • prints out games and tutorial examples with diagrams and comments
  • prints out opening and middlegame keys with diagrams in the chess database
  • prints opening overviews with chess tree-shaped diagrams and much more
  • New installation program – easy to install all program components at once!
  • Support of Nalimov Endgame Tablebases (3-4-5 and 6 pieces Tablebases)
  • Support of UCI compatible engines like Shredder, SOS etc.
  • Import from databases to Chess Academy Tutorials
  • New version of opening books for Chess Academy 7.0 engine is included.
  • New version of chess database with about 2 million games is included.
  • Creating own opening databases is possible.
  • New look of Chess Academy Help, now in full-featured HTML Help format.
  • An improved format of tutorial program with graphical annotations, brand-new quiz options and settings etc.
  • An improved Chess Academy playing program
  • New version of middlegame/endgame book is included.
  • Creating own middlegame and endgame books for chess engine is possible.
  • Converts tutorials to PGN format (allows to use external programs to analyze key positions and game fragments).
  • Built-in and powerful editor of tutorial libraries, you will be able to create and edit your own tutorials in the most effective manner – free exchange of user-made tutorials will be also possible.