Chess Academy eBook+ “From Middlegame to Endgame” runs on a standard PC with the operating system Windows® 10 / 11 and Windows® Vista 32bit/XP/2000/NT4/9x/Me.

Installation of the program in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese languages. Program interface and help file: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish.

Chess Academy eBook+ “From Middlegame to Endgame” includes a full version of the successful and powerful Chess Academy database, tutorial & training program (ver. 5.5) with the tutorial and training module “From Middlegame to Endgame”.

Tutorial and training examples are annotated in English and each annotated variant includes appropriate position assessments and/or text annotations that explain typical plans and maneuvers.

Chess Academy eBook+ “From Middlegame to Endgame” includes a huge Chess Academy database with 1.590.744 games without doubles in its own (compact and extremely fast!) Chess Academy format and strong Chess Academy playing program with built-in Engine; huge Opening Books ChampionBook (with more than 8.5 million positions) & GambitBook (with more than 2,2 million positions) and MiddlegameBook (with more than 8 million positions) specially designed for Chess Academy engine.

  • The program supports data in PGN and ChessBase (CBF) format and also allows conversion to PGN, RTF, HTML, and EPD
  • The Chess Academy game editor allows all chess games to be annotated (text comments as well as graphical comments)
  • Sophisticated printing options for chess notation/symbols/diagrams
  • Powerful Chess Academy playing program, the program even offers WinBoard support and auto-player support

Clear, robust, and intuitive program interface, easy to handle.

The program provides a variety of very useful exploratory hint tools available to use at any time that you choose. The program monitors your actions and allows convenient navigation through chess windows, game lists, etc. Chess Academy gives you also the opportunity to use your preferred method for operating the graphic interface: with a mouse or with a keyboard. You can also set up the on-screen colors, chessboard size, program language, chess pieces set, and so on. The game editor allows you to comment on all chess games (text comments as well as graphic comments).

Chess Academy offers excellent 2D and 3D boards and piece sets, the size of the board, as well as colors, which can be easily changed, piece animation, special chess symbols, special windows for analyzing purposes and displaying variants, ToolBars icons, and their groups can be easily handled and much more – enjoy at the same time by using Chess Academy® program!

  • CD-ROM or DVD. Packaging: installation instructions in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish languages, customer card.
chessacademy from middlegame to endgame

Short description of the included Chess Academy tutorial and training module “From Middlegame to Endgame”:

This module is based on materials from two volumes “From Middlegame to Endgame”, written by well-known chess author IM Mikhail Shereshevsky und Slutski (origin title in Russian: Kontury Endspilja Vol. 1 and 2 – there are probably one from the most comprehensive and instructive handbooks about typical transpositions from middlegame to endgame). All materials were licensed from IM Shereshevsky / Slutsky. This module is deeply annotated and contains comprehensive text commentaries in English language.

Chess Academy provides a complete interactive system for enjoying, playing and studying chess! Chess Academy enables any chess player to rapidly improve his chess skills in an efficient and effective manner. Chess Academy users learn chess and organize their training lessons through active participation and discovery with carefully selected and fully annotated Tutorial & Training Examples, authored by top-class players and experienced coaches.

  • Chess Academy database program, tutorial and training program, playing program and chess engine (Chess Academy ver.5.5, full version)
  • Chess Academy database with 1.590.744 chess games without duplicates in exceptionally high quality
  • Tutorial and training module “From middlegame to endgame”
  • Chess Academy chess engine for playing or analyzing purposes
  • Chess Academy opening books for Chess Engine: “ChampionBook” with about 8.5 mio. positions and GambitBook with about 2.2 mio. positions
  • Chess Academy middlegame book for chess engine with about 8 million positions
  • plays and analyzes games or game fragments from the chess database
  • plays and analyzes tutorial and training examples, studies, test positions
  • creates, edits and merges opening books for Chess Academy chess engine
  • plays videos (supports AVI, WAV files)
  • opens up to 24 games at the same time, edits game header, extended game information
  • provides player and opening statistics in the chess database with all available information
  • shows variants, key squares, important motifs and plans for any position
  • saves games in the chess database with all variants, text and video/audio comments
  • saves variants of the included analysis engine in the game (auto analysis mode)
  • supports other programs (chess engines), supports Thompson’s endgame databases
  • quickly searches for game header, material, exact position, position outlines and maneuvers
  • quickly sorts all games in the chess database by players, source, time period, ECO, moves
  • allows you to create your own opening key positions and middlegame keys in the chess database
  • merges up to 16 chess databases simultaneously
  • creates and manages huge chess databases with up to 16 million games
  • creates datasets of up to 1,048,480 games from the database according to any selected criteria
  • chess datasets can be merged, intersected, subtracted, or saved as a new database
  • prints out games and tutorial examples with diagrams and comments
  • prints out opening and middlegame keys with diagrams in the chess database
  • prints opening overviews with chess tree-shaped diagrams and much more