These 2 tutorial and training modules “Modern Chess Strategy” contain the material from both volumes “Modern Chess Strategy” by GM Ludek Pachman.

It is the result of a successful collaboration between Witali Braslawski (project leader and author of the Chess Academy program) and Schachzentrale Rattmann Verlag / Das Schach-Archiv (licensor for the publication of all 2 volumes of “Modern Chess Strategy” by GM Ludek Pachman in electronic format as tutorial and training modules of the Chess Academy program).

Chess Academy provides a complete interactive system for enjoying, playing and studying chess! Chess Academy enables any chess player to rapidly improve his chess skills in an efficient and effective manner. Chess Academy users learn chess and organize their training lessons through active participation and discovery with carefully selected and fully annotated Tutorial & Training Examples, authored by top-class players and experienced coaches.

  • Tutorial and training examples with text annotations in German are classified by topic / subtopic and each annotated variation includes appropriate position evaluations and/or text annotations explaining typical plans and maneuvers.
chessacademy moderne schachstrategie

This standard work also covers the following topics: